
This module contains functions to working with databricks Jobs.


Retrieve information about a single job.

job_run_get(run_id: int)-> dict()

See return dictionary


Returns an array of job runs


See return dictionary


Delete a job and send an email to the addresses specified in JobSettings.email_notifications. No action occurs if the job has already been removed. After the job is removed, neither its details nor its run history is visible in the Jobs UI or API. The job is guaranteed to be removed upon completion of this request. However, runs that were active before the receipt of this request may still be active. They will be terminated asynchronously.

job_run_delete(run_id: int)

See return dictionary


Submit a one-time run. This endpoint allows you to submit a workload directly without creating a job. Runs submitted using this endpoint don’t display in the UI. Use the jobs/runs/get API to check the run state after the job is submitted.

    notebook_path: str,
    run_name: str = "default",
    spark_version: str = "7.3.x-scala2.12",
    node_type_id: str = "Standard_DS3_v2",
    driver_node_type_id: str = "Standard_DS3_v2",
    num_workers: int = 1,
    timeout_seconds: int = 900,
    idempotency_token: UUID = None,
    cluster_id: str = None,

Provide minimal details for an on demand job cluster or provide a cluster_id for a specific named cluster already in the workspace.

see details here.


Run a notebook against a specific cluster_id and wait for it for to finish in error or success. wait_seconds is the interval time between calls that check the status of the job sto see if it's finished. WARNING: setting wait_seconds too low could exceed the API call limits.

    notebook_path: str,
    name: str = "default",
    idempotency_token: UUID = None,
    cluster_id: str = None,
    wait_seconds: int = 5,