
This module contains functions to working with databricks clusters.


cluster_name_exists(name: str)-> bool

Parameter Description
name Name of the cluster. Note that more than one cluster with the same name can exist within a given databricks workspace since they are uniquely identified by the cluster_id and not their name.

A predicate function that can be used to check if a cluster with a given name already exists.


cluster_get_by_name(name: str)-> list

Parameter Description
name Name of the cluster. Note that more than one cluster with the same name can exist within a given databricks workspace since they are uniquely identified by the cluster_id and not their name.

Returns a list of cluster details that have a matching name. Note that more than one cluster with the same name can exist with a given databricks workspace since they are uniquely identified by the cluster_id and not their name. The function response therefore returns a list of cluster objects. The response dictionary for a cluster object can be seen in the API documentation


    cluster_id: str, 
    cluster_action: ClusterAction
) -> dict

Executes a cluster action for given cluster using the cluster_id. The ClusterAction can be imported from the cluster module. The function is an asynchonous call and will not wait for the operation to complete. Note that a cluster must be unpinned before it can be deleted.

Note that there are higher level functions in this module for waiting for running and waiting for clusters states, please see:

  • clusters_create
  • cluster_wait_until_state

Cluster actions are fairly self explanatory. Pinned clusters will remain in the workspace UI list. Unpinned clusters are deleted after 30 days.

from cluster import ClusterAction

for a in ClusterAction:
>>> ClusterAction.PIN
>>> ClusterAction.UNPIN
>>> ClusterAction.START
>>> ClusterAction.RESTART
>>> ClusterAction.STOP
>>> ClusterAction.DELETE


Creates clusters defined in YAML files in the cluster_defn_folder. The cluster definition structure follows the json schema defined for the API but is YAML for easier coding. See cluster_create.

    cluster_defn_folder: str,
    pin: bool = True,
    stop: bool = True,
    delete_if_exists: bool = False,
    allow_duplicate_names: bool = False,
    init_script_path: str = None,

Parameter Description
cluster_defn_folder Path of yaml files that hold cluster definitions. YAML supports variable replacements see example below
pin Whether the cluster should be pinned in the UI
stop By default databricks will start a cluster that is created. Use this parameter to stop the cluster from starting on creation
delete_if_exists If the cluster name already exists then unpin and delete the existing cluster
allow_duplicate_names Clusers are uniquely identified by an id, use this parameter if you wish to enforce unique names. Note that if this is False, the name already exists and delete_if_exists is False then the creation will fail.
init_script_path Path to an init sh script that you may want to deploy with cluster. Ensure that the init_script.dbfs[].destination is defined.


Creates a cluster defined a YAML file in the cluster_defn_path. The cluster definition structure follows the json schema defined for the API but is YAML for easier coding. See cluster_create.

    cluster_defn_path: str,
    pin: bool = True,
    stop: bool = True,
    delete_if_exists: bool = False,
    allow_duplicate_names: bool = False,
    init_script_path: str = None,
) -> dict

Parameter Description
cluster_defn_path Path of the yaml file that holds the definition. YAML supports variable replacements see example below
pin Whether the cluster should be pinned in the UI
stop By default databricks will start a cluster that is created. Use this parameter to stop the cluster from starting on creation
delete_if_exists If the cluster name already exists then unpin and delete the existing cluster
allow_duplicate_names Clusers are uniquely identified by an id, use this parameter if you wish to enforce unique names. Note that if this is False, the name already exists and delete_if_exists is False then the creation will fail.
init_script_path Path to an init sh script that you may want to deploy with cluster. Ensure that the init_script.dbfs[].destination is defined.

The cluster definition supports variable injection to help conventional naming. For example a file store at {cluster_defn_path}/my_cluster.yaml will create a cluster called my_cluster_7.5 with logs and init scripts stored under a leaf folder with that name. Variables are:

Variable Description
{filename} The filename of the cluster definition. Handy to drive the name of the cluster using the definition file name
{dbr} The major and minor value of the DBR runtime
{cluster_name} The name of the cluster, used in the exmaple below to create the logs and reference the init script

For example:

num_workers: 1
cluster_name: "{filename}_{dbr}"
spark_version: "7.5.x-cpu-ml-scala2.12"
  spark.databricks.cluster.profile: "serverless"
  spark.databricks.passthrough.enabled: "true"
  spark.databricks.pyspark.enableProcessIsolation: "true"
  spark.databricks.repl.allowedLanguages: "python,sql"
  first_on_demand: 1
  availability: ON_DEMAND_AZURE
  spot_bid_max_price: -1
node_type_id: "Standard_DS3_v2"
driver_node_type_id: "Standard_DS3_v2"
  deployed_by: "AzureDevOps"
     destination: "dbfs:/FileStore/cluster/logs/{cluster_name}"
   - dbfs:
       destination: "dbfs:/FileStore/cluster/init/{cluster_name}.sh"
autotermination_minutes: 30
enable_elastic_disk: true


cluster_delete_clusters(clusters: list)

Deletes the clusters in the list. The list would be list of cluster objects. In order for the function to delete a cluster each object must have a cluster_id attribute; other attributes maybe present. For example the following would be valid

[{"cluster_id":"1"}, {"cluster_id":"2"}, {"cluster_id":"3"}]


cluster_list() -> dict

Returns a list of cluster cluster definitions.


get_cluster_state(cluster_id: str) -> ClusterState

Gets the clusters state for a given cluster_id. Note the self explanatory ClusterState enum:



cluster_is_running(cluster_id: str) -> bool

Returns True if a cluster with the cluster_id is in the ClusterState.RUNNING state


cluster_is_terminated(cluster_id: str) -> bool

Returns True if a cluster with the cluster_id is in the ClusterState.TERMINATING state


cluster_get(cluster_id: str) -> dict

Gets a cluster definition for a given cluster_id


    cluster_id: str, 
    cluster_state: ClusterState, 
    wait_seconds: int = 10

This is a blocking call that will wait for a given ClusterState to be reached for a given cluster_id. wait_seconds is the interval the blocking call will wait between calls that check if the state has been reached. WARNING: setting wait_seconds too low may cause the API limits to be exceeded.

Note the self explanatory ClusterState enum:



    cluster: dict, 
    tag_key: str, 
    tag_value: str
) -> bool

Returns True if a given cluster definition with a cluster_id has a tag_key with the value tag_value


    tag_key: str = None, 
    tag_value: str = None, 
    show_only: bool = True

Deletes all clusters optionally with a certain tag_key and tag_value. show_only = True allows the caller to output the clusters to check what will be deleted. Setting show_only = False will execute the deletion.




cluster_run(cluster_id: str)

Runs a cluster with a given cluster_id and waits for to the reach the running state or to terminate with error. This call will handle the repsonse if the cluster has already been started but isn't running yet. If the cluster has already started when this is called it will return when either the cluster has reach a running state or terminated with error.