
This module contains functions to working with databricks Workspaces and deploying notebooks.


High level function for recursively depploying folders of notebooks to workspace. See the examples.

    from_notebook_root: str,
    source_dir: str = "/",
    target_dir: str = None,
    deploy_mode: DeployMode = DeployMode.DEFAULT,
) -> list
  • from_notebook_root - the root path of the notebook folder that you wish to deploy. e.g. to deploy ./build/notebooks then the this path is ./build
  • source_dir - the directory to deploy. e.g. to deploy notebooks from ./build/notebooks/mystuff then this path is /notebooks
  • target - if not specified then folders are deployed as is to the root of the workspace. If provided then they it used as specified in the deployment mode.
  • deploy_mode - The deployment modes work as follows:
DeployMode Description
DeployMode.DEFAULT target_dir isn't required. Deploys the content as is from the source_dir into the root of the workspace
DeployMode.MOVE Deploys content contained within the source_dir into the target_dir in the workspace
DeployMode.PARENT Deploys the source_dir under the target_dir in the root of the workspace
DeployMode.CHILD Deploys the content of the source_dir into the workspace under the source_dir directory path and the target_dir child directory path
DeployMode.ROOT_CHILD Deploys the content in the source_dir path into a directory path matching the source_dir path but with the target_dir directory injected following the root dir of the source_dir path


Covnerts a notebook extension into a format.

get_format(extension: Extension) -> Format

Extension is defined as follows:

class Extension(Enum):
    py = 1
    html = 2
    ipynb = 3
    dbc = 4

The returned format is defined as follows:

class Format(Enum):
    SOURCE = 1
    HTML = 2
    JUPYTER = 3
    DBC = 4


Import a notebook or the contents of an entire directory. If path already exists and overwrite is set to false, this call returns an error RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS. You can use only DBC format to import a directory. Maps directly to the API call where the return details are specified.

    form_path: str, 
    to_path: str, 
    format: Format, 
    language: Language, 
    overwrite: True
)-> dict
  • form_path - the local file path
  • to_path - databricks workspace destination path
  • format - Is the format of the notebook
class Format(Enum):
    SOURCE = 1
    HTML = 2
    JUPYTER = 3
    DBC = 4 # note that DBC CANNOT BE OVER WRITTEN
  • language - Is the lanaguage of the notebook
class Language(Enum):
    SCALA = 1
    PYTHON = 2
    SQL = 3
    R = 4
  • overwrite - whether or not to overwrite if the destination notebook already exists. Note that Format.DBC cannot be overwritten.


Delete an object or a directory (and optionally recursively deletes all objects in the directory path). If path does not exist, this call returns an error RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST. If path is a non-empty directory and recursive is set to false, this call returns an error DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY. Object deletion cannot be undone and deleting a directory recursively is not atomic.

    path: str, 
    recursive: True
) -> dict


Gets the status of an object or a directory. If path does not exist, this call returns an error RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST. See the API documentation for return specification

workspace_get_status(path: str) -> dict


List the contents of a directory, or the object if it is not a directory. If the input path does not exist, this call returns an error RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST. See the API documentation for return specification

workspace_list(path: str) -> list


Create the given directory and necessary parent directories if they do not exists. If there exists an object (not a directory) at any prefix of the input path, this call returns an error RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS. If this operation fails it may have succeeded in creating some of the necessary parent directories.

workspace_mkdirs(path: str) -> dict


Export a notebook or contents of an entire directory. If path does not exist, this call returns an error RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST. You can export a directory only in DBC format. If the exported data exceeds the size limit, this call returns an error MAX_NOTEBOOK_SIZE_EXCEEDED. This API does not support exporting a library. See the API documentation for return specification

workspace_export(from_path: str, format: Format, to_path: str) -> dict


Predicate function to check if a workspace directory exists.

workspace_dir_exists(path: str) -> bool


Predicate function to check if a notebook exists.

workspace_notebook_exists(path: str) -> bool